Time to Take Stock
Bye-bye 2020. For everything not financial, we don’t hate to see you go. Pandemics. Riots. Elections. Safe Distancing. Masks. Lockdowns.
The parade of horrors just doesn’t stop.
But for matters financial, 2020 was a very good year. And when the year is new, it’s time to take stock … or … it’s time to buy stocks.
Look What The S&P Did
On December 31, 2020, the S&P closed at 3,756.07, making a year-to-date gain of +16.258%—a fairly respectable gain. Many investors hope to match the performance of the S&P 500 Index. But here at Research Financial Strategies, we seek to beat it.
And beat it we did. In a big way. Our aggressive growth model racked up a year-to-date gain of 32% (net of all fees). Even our income model clocked a gain of 8.5% (and that’s an income portfolio).
Here’s a one-year chart of the S&P 500. We wonder how many “buy and hold” investors managed to survive the gut-wrenching drop in March 2020.

When the big drop came, we were ready: we played defense; we pared our long positions; we took on certain ETFs that go up when the markets go down. We not only survived. We won.
And we hope we made things less stressful for you.
Please Forward This Email
You might have friends, family, and colleagues who’re wedded to “matching the S&P.” If so, please forward this email to them. If they’re doing only as well as the S&P, then they’re leaving serious money on the table.
Or you might have other accounts that you manage or that have sat around gathering dust (and losses). If so, give me a call at 240-401-2355.
A Note to Those Who Receive This Forwarded Email
If your investments didn’t return over 30% this year, then we need to talk.
Overall, 2020 laid an egg. But your investments don’t have to.
Give me a call. Share your portfolio with me. Our financial advisors will perform a free, no-obligation second opinion on your investments.
No pressure, just conversation.
Call My Cell
Get out your smart phone and make a smart call right now. Call my cell at 240-401-2355. We’ll arrange a virtual meeting to get to know each other and to look over your portfolio.
Then together, we can make 2021 a very good year, indeed.
Wishing Everyone All the Best
We thank you for entrusting your wealth to us at Research Financial Strategies. We guard it as we would guard our own.
All of us here at Research Financial Strategies wish you a Happy New Year.