
Our Free No-Obligation Second Opinion Service

Investments Second Opinion

When to Seek a Financial Second Opinion
Working with a financial advisor can provide valuable guidance in achieving your financial goals. However, if you have doubts or concerns about the financial advice you’re receiving, seeking a second opinion can offer reassurance and clarity.

Are You Wondering?

Will my
money last
as long as
I do?

How can I
avoid losing
$$ in a market

How can
I benefit in
a strong
stock market?

Will my
money last
as long as
I do?

Our financial review will look at your entire financial picture and provide an independent third-party opinion about your situation. We tailor the structure and scope of the review to fit your needs and to focus on the areas that are important to you.

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

  • Am I in the right financial investments?
  • Am I on track towards retirement or my other financial goals?
  • What should I do with my 401(k) as I approach retirement?
  • When should I take Social Security?
  • Are my TSP selections the best for me?

Typical areas that are covered in a portfolio 2nd opinion include:

  • Your asset allocation
  • Your investment holdings
  • Your retirement readiness
  • Managing the financial transition to retirement
  • Your investment costs

Would you like an unbiased professional to review your portfolio and your overall financial situation?

Understanding Financial Second Opinions:

A financial second opinion involves consulting with another advisor to review your financial plan. Similar to seeking a medical second opinion, it provides an independent perspective.

Key Considerations for Seeking a Portfolio Second Opinion:

  • Dissatisfaction with Current Advisor: If you’re experiencing communication issues, questioning the appropriateness of advice, or seeking additional services, a second opinion might be beneficial.
  • Self-Managed Portfolios: If you’re managing your investments independently and have concerns about performance or risk exposure, professional guidance from a financial advisor can be valuable.
  • Significant Life Changes: Major events like marriage, childbirth, or inheritance can necessitate a reevaluation of your financial and retirement plans.
  • Complex Financial Situations: If you have a complex financial situation, multiple advisors specializing in different areas might provide more comprehensive guidance.

Benefits of a Second Opinion:

  • Validation of Goals: A second opinion can confirm the feasibility and alignment of your financial goals.
  • Identification of Improvement Areas: Potential areas for optimization or adjustment in your financial plan can be highlighted.
  • Portfolio Assessment: Understanding your current asset allocation and identifying ideal adjustments can be valuable.
  • Cost Reduction: A second advisor might identify opportunities to reduce fees or optimize investment choices.
  • Risk Assessment: Clarifying your risk tolerance and capacity can help make informed decisions.

Tips for a Productive Meeting:

  • Define Your Goals: Clearly articulate your concerns and objectives.
  • Prepare Questions: Create a list of questions to guide the discussion.
  • Consider Follow-Up: Schedule additional meetings if needed for in-depth discussions.


A financial second opinion can provide valuable insights and reassurance. By carefully considering your situation and selecting a qualified advisor, you can make informed decisions to achieve your financial goals.

Many people find that having a trusted independent advisor can provide financial confidence — by clarifying economic complexity, navigating through turbulent markets, and providing a buffer between them and changing times.

Discover how Research Financial Strategies’ extraordinarily personalized approach to investment planning and management can help you on the road to a Life Well Lived.

Ready to Make a Change?

With an “education first” approach, Research Financial Strategies ensures that our clients understand how their money is being invested, and we guide the development of financial plans that help them achieve their goals for personal wealth and retirement security.
