How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio >
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Weekly Market Commentary 8/9/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > August 9, 2021Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth Are we there yet?For months, investors have wondered when the Federal...
Weekly Market Commentary 8/2/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > August 8, 2021Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth The Chinese dragon cast a shadow over free trade and foreign investment...
Weekly Market Commentary 7/26/2021
Treasury Note is simply the yield at the close of the day on each of the historical time periods. Sources: Yahoo! Finance, MarketWatch,, London Bullion Market Association.Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Indices are...
Weekly Market Commentary 7/19/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > July 19, 2021Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth The term “peak growth” has become almost as popular as the comedy show Ted...
Weekly Market Commentary 7/12/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > July 12, 2021Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth There was a gappers’ block in financial markets last week as equity...
Weekly Market Commentary 7/06/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > July 6, 2021Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth The world is about halfway back to normal. The Economist developed...
Weekly Market Commentary 6/28/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > June 28, 2021Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth What begins with the letter “I”?Infrastructure is essential and sometimes...
Weekly Market Commentary 6/21/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > June 21, 2021Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth Is that a hawk?The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) met last...
Weekly Market Commentary 6/14/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > June 14, 2021Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth It’s transitory. It’s not transitory. It’s transitory. It’s not...
Weekly Market Commentary 6/7/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > June 7, 2021Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth Pulling the economy out of the shed.If you’ve ever stored tools or machinery...
Weekly Market Commentary 6/1/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > December 9, 2021 Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth Are we at a tipping point? One side effect of the pandemic was a...
Weekly Market Commentary 5/24/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > May 24, 2021Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth What do markets hate?They hate uncertainty, and recently there has been...
Market Commentary 5/17/2021
How Are Your Investments Doing Lately? Receive A Free, No-Obligation 2nd Opinion On Your Investment Portfolio > May 17, 2021Our Mission Is To Create And Preserve Client Wealth Uncle Inflation is here. Will he overstay his welcome? Ever since the...
Questions To Ask A Financial Advisor
The recent volatility in the stock market has again become a wake up call to many investors.
Advised Brokerage Accounts Are Better Diversified, Reports Schwab
The report highlights the benefits of working with an advisor. In general, participants who had professional help were more diversified across all of their holdings
Where is Your Best Place to Retire?
The best place to retire in the United States is in dispute. There’s no formal debate, but a review of reliable publications showed surveys have named different states and cities as the “best” place to retire.
Documenting Your Possessions in Case of Disaster
It’s better to protect yourself now and document your possessions rather than trying to do it after something has happened. A home inventory will give you an accurate recording of your assets for insurance purposes and give you a better idea of how much homeowner’s insurance you need to ensure proper coverage.
Unused Vacation Days Can Be Costly
Would you give up a share of $62 billion? If your answer is no, then you may be a member of the relatively small group of Americans (36 percent) that takes all of the vacation days available to them each year.
Red Flags for Tax Auditors
No one wants to see an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) auditor show up at his or her door. The IRS can’t audit every American’s tax return, so it relies on guidelines to select the ones most deserving of its attention.
Six Steps To Financial Independence For Women
Financial independence: Whether you enjoy it or dream about it, it’s a common term that you’ve probably seen in magazine ads, TV commercials and billboards. But what really does financial independence mean, exactly?
Understanding Credit Reporting
To qualify for the best loans at the lowest rates, borrowers must qualify financially and are scored by lenders using a computerized model for evaluating credit risk, developed by Fair, Isaac, and Company, known as the FICO score. Learn more
Organizing Your Financial Records and Emergency Forms
Would someone be able to find your important papers during a crisis if you became ill, injured, or incapacitated? It’s a good idea to make sure a trusted family member or friend knows where to find your personal documents.
5 Benefits of Working in Retirement
In the past, retirement has been portrayed as an ending, a grand exit from your years in the workplace. But the rules are shifting.
The Drawback Of Target Date Mutual Funds
If the majority of fund management won’t even invest in their own target-date retirement funds….why should you?
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Just How Safe Is An Insurance Company, Really?
When you think about the car you drive, the house you live in, the health plan you use and the life insurance policy you have, it’s not a stretch to say insurance is an intrinsic part of our daily lives.
Credit Freeze - You should consider it!
It’s been over a year since Equifax, one of the three largest credit reporting agencies in the U.S., revealed they’d been hacked.
What did you do to protect your data?.
Should Parents Pay for College Tuition?
It’s a pricey question.
College Board estimated the average cost for full-time, in-state students who live on campus at four-year public colleges or universities during the 2017-18 school year is $25,290.
Just Say NO to Pie Charts!!
Pie charts look nice coming out of a color printer, but they can’t help manage investment risk
An Investment Advisor’s Blueprint To Making Solid Financial Decisions
A common mistake people make is to give up what they want most for what they only want right now. Pick which goals in your life are most important to you, and make achieving those goals your utmost priority. Then…
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Enjoy Life. Hire Someone To Watch Your 401K
Have you ever thought you’d be happier if you could just pay someone else to do watch your company 401K retirement plan account?
The 7 Rules of Investing
From 1977 through 1990, Lynch ran one of the most successful mutual funds ever, posting an average annual return of 29%.
Considering A 401K Rollover?
What to do with an old 401K?
One great thing about a 401K retirement savings plan is that your assets are often portable when you leave a job.
Have You Checked Out Our Retirement Planning Library?
While retirement planning can seem intimidating, it’s never too early or too late to start preparing for the future.
Common Financial Terms
We have compiled a list of important financial terms. If you don’t speak personal finance, don’t worry—we’re here to help.
Digital Assets and Baby Boomers
How many password-protected accounts do you have?Whether you keep them locked in the depths of your memory, use a password manager, or have a written record of your passwords (which is certainly not recommended), take a quick count. You are most likely to...
There’s Still Time to Contribute to an IRA
If you haven’t already contributed to an IRA (Individual Retirement Account), there’s still time to do so. Many people don’t know that the 2018 contribution deadline is actually the 15th of April. However, if you do decide to contribute, you must designate the year...
The 7 Rules of Investing
From someone who is considered one of the greatest investors of all time During the past century, many of the world’s leading economists have studied the science – or art – of investing. A large number of investing systems, models, and theories have been...
Are You Ready to Retire?
In the United States, we have a potential crisis on the horizon. The majority of Americans are not financially prepared for their retirement.Some future retirees are completely unprepared. The Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI)’s 2017 Retirement...
A Financial Advisor’s Blueprint To Making Solid Financial Decisions
Decide What Is Most Important To You A common mistake people make is to give up what they want most for what they only want right now. Pick which goals in your life are most important to you, and make achieving those goals your utmost priority. Then......
The New Tax Law – A Year Later
Tax season is the time between January 1 and April 15. It is when most people prepare and file their taxes. This year’s tax season is special. It has been just a little over a year since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act went into effect. It is the largest...
Advised Brokerage Accounts Are Better Diversified, Reports Schwab
Charles Schwab’s has published its' latest SDBA Indicators Report, a highly regarded, industry-leading benchmark on retirement plan participant investment activity within approximately 137,000 self-directed brokerage accounts (SDBAs). The report stated...
Active Portfolio Management – How We Do It!
Research Financial Strategies specializes in providing financial advice using a proprietary investment methodology that leverages technical analysis to identify and protect our clients against stock market risk. Research Financial Strategies provides our...
Market Volatility – Precautions are useless after a crisis!
As you probably know, there has been a lot of market volatility in recent months. Being a financial advisor, I get asked a lot of questions, even from people who aren’t my clients! Some ask if it’s a good time to invest in the markets, or if they should be...
Valentines Day Thoughts
Me and You. True Love. Be Mine. People have been giving candy hearts with little messages on them for Valentine’s Day for over 100 years. But most likely not this year. A new company purchased the rights to the sweets but announced they would not have...
Make Sure Your Smart Home is Safe from Cyber Attack
Whether you own a house or rent an apartment, building a smart home is easier than it has ever been. Homeowners and renters can purchase kits that integrate specific smart items or they can select smart home products, such as light bulbs, crockpots, coffee...
Investment Risk Management
Risk Management There are more financial advisors than ever before in the US. The most important difference is whether they have an independent and unaffiliated custodian. We do. The investment advisor initiates transactions as part of its portfolio...
2018: The Year in Review
Every January, it’s customary to look back at the year that was. What were the highlights? What were the “lowlights”? What were the events we’ll always remember? Most importantly, what did we learn? Before we get into that, though, let’s take a brief jaunt...