Special Edition from Jack – the 45 DAY REPORT!

Friends and Clients, 

Hard to believe, isn’t it?

The first quarter is half over. The year is 45 days old. It’s 1/8th over with!

The stock market bull rally continues, and hopes for President Biden and his COVID stimulus package are high. Looks as if it’ll pass. The president is also promising an infrastructure bill, which will create jobs and fuel several sectors that we are thinking about adding to our aggressive growth model: the industrials, building materials, trains, planes, cement, steel, tractors, heavy machinery, etc.

If the infrastructure bill passes, we’re looking at two ETFs. Click here for details on the holdings in XLI and XLB. Lots of infrastructure companies.

Interest rates continue to remain very low, and residential real-estate sales, as well as new construction, remain high. One of my close friends and clients, a broker in Ocean City, Maryland, said that while he was in church on Sunday, from 9:00 to 10:30 AM, he missed 17 calls from buyers wanting to see properties. I hear similar stories all day long from my network.

Here’s How We’re Doing

Our 45-day returns look like this:

Our Growth Model

·         The AG model is + 9.15% so far in 2021.

·         The S&P 500 equity benchmark is +4.5972%.

·         So our performance is almost exactly twice the performance of the S&P.

Our Bond Model

·         The bond model (“fixed income”) is + 5.16% YTD.

·         AGG, the Barclays fixed income benchmark is negative 1.362%.

·         So we’re miles ahead of the benchmark.

Both models are on track to match or beat our record setting returns of 2020!

Defense When Necessary

As always, I am prepared to take decisive and speedy defensive action if market conditions turn against us. We will not let your wealth suffer in a market plunge.

Thank you … for your trust and confidence.



Call me on my cell 240 401 2355
Please share my number with family, friends, clients, and colleagues.

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