Weekly Market Commentary

The Markets

Is it supposed to be doing that?

At the end of last year, economists believed the chance of a recession in 2025 was relatively low. In December, economist Torsten Sløk wrote, “The outlook for the US economy remains strong with no signs of a major slowdown going into 2025.”

The economy has not been performing as expected, though.

“The U.S. Citi Economic Surprise Index, which tracks the difference between economic data and expectations, has fallen to its lowest level in almost six months. The index rises when the surprises are favorable, so the decline means the data are showing a less robust U.S. economy than expected,” reported Jacob Sonenshine of Barron’s.

One surprising piece of data is the slump in U.S. consumer confidence.

The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey reported that consumers have become less optimistic. Sentiment declined by 9.8 percent from January to February. The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index showed a 7.0 percent drop over the same period.

“The decrease was unanimous across groups by age, income, and wealth…Year-ahead inflation expectations jumped up from 3.3 [percent] last month to 4.3 [percent] this month, the highest reading since November 2023 and marking two consecutive months of unusually large increases,” reported Surveys of Consumers Director Joanne Hsu.

The slump in sentiment is concerning because consumer spending is the primary driver of U.S. economic growth – accounting for about two-thirds of gross domestic product (GDP), which is the value of all goods and services produced in the country over a certain period. In general, when consumers are uneasy, spending tends to slow and so does economic growth.

Currently, one consumer group has more influence than others do.

When analysts took a closer look at consumer spending, they found a growing wealth gap.  “The wealthiest 10% of American households—those making more than $250,000 a year, roughly—are now responsible for half of all US consumer spending and at least a third of the country’s gross domestic product,” reported Amanda Mull of Bloomberg. “In the 1990s, spending by top-decile earners usually constituted a third or so of annual consumer spending overall. Now, their spending constitutes the largest share of the consumer economy in data going back to 1989.”

Last Friday, we learned that consumer spending declined 0.5 percent month to month, after inflation, in January. It was the biggest monthly decline in almost four years. “US consumers unexpectedly pulled back on spending on goods like cars in January amid extreme winter weather, and a slowdown in services, if sustained, may raise concerns about the resilience of the economy,” reported Augusta Saraiva of Bloomberg.

While we’ve seen a lot of uncertainty and some softer-than-expected economic data, the likelihood of a recession over the next 12 months remains low. Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal’s Economic Forecasting Survey put the odds at 22 percent, reported Andy Serwer of Barron’s.

No matter where the economy is headed, investors can manage the risks associated with market volatility through asset allocation and diversification. If you have not reviewed your portfolio recently, this is a good time to make sure your asset allocation is appropriate for your financial goals and risk tolerance. If you would like help, let us know.

Last week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average moved higher, while the Standard & Poor’s 500 and Nasdaq Composite Indexes moved lower. Treasuries rallied and the yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury moved lower over the week.

ARE YOU BUNCHING? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) introduced a higher standard deduction – $15,000 for single filers and $30,000 for people who are married and filing jointly in 2025. While the higher deduction was beneficial to many taxpayers, those who are near the cutoff for itemizing may employ an approach known as “bunching”, which makes it possible for taxpayers to itemize every other year, reported Adam Nash of Kiplinger’s.

Here’s how it works: taxpayers condense two years of tax-deductible expenses into a single tax year. Then, they itemize taxes for that year. In general, three types of expenses can be bunched. They include:

Charitable gifts. Some people choose to bunch charitable gifts into a single year by donating in January and then again in December. This increases the amount that can be itemized in a single year. There are other approaches that can help maximize charitable contributions into a single year, as well.

Medical expenses. Taxpayers can deduct qualified healthcare costs that are not reimbursed, as long as the amount exceeds 7.5% of their adjusted gross income. So, when you know a big medical expense is ahead, if it is possible plan the procedure for a year when you are itemizing.

Property taxes. If a municipality allows it, homeowners can make the previous year’s property tax payment in January and make the current year’s property tax payment in December. Currently, there is a $10,000 cap on state and local government taxes (SALT), which include property taxes, reported the Tax Foundation.

Some provisions of the TCJA are set to expire at the end of this year, including the cap on SALT. The administration has yet to decide how SALT deductibility will be modified. The options under consideration include:

  • Repealing the SALT deduction, which would raise $1 trillion over 10 years.
  • Making the $10,000 cap permanent and doubling it for married couples.
  • Raising the cap to $15,000 for individuals and $30,000 for married couples.
  • Eliminating income and sales tax deductibility while keeping property tax deductibility.
  • Eliminating the SALT deduction for businesses.

This information is not intended as tax, legal or accounting advice. It is offered for informational purposes only. Talk with a tax professional and your financial advisor before taking action.

Weekly Focus – Think About It

“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”
~ Charles Addams, Cartoonist



https://www.barrons.com/articles/stocks-tariff-fall-outlook-3a9c1131?mod=hp_LEDE_C_1_B_2 or go to https://resources.carsongroup.com/hubfs/WMC-Source/2025/03-03-25-Barrons-Stock%20Markets%20Fall-2.pdf

http://www.sca.isr.umich.edu or go to https://resources.carsongroup.com/hubfs/WMC-Source/2025/03-03-25-Survey%20of%20Consumers-UoM-3.pdf



https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-02-28/wealthy-americans-fuel-half-of-us-economy-consumer-spending? or go to https://resources.carsongroup.com/hubfs/WMC-Source/2025/03-03-25-Bloomberg-Rich%20People%20Cash%20Cannon-6.pdf

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-02-28/fed-s-favored-inflation-gauge-rises-at-mild-pace-spending-falls or go to https://resources.carsongroup.com/hubfs/WMC-Source/2025/03-03-25-Bloomberg-US%20Spending%20Drops-7.pdf

https://www.barrons.com/articles/recession-could-be-coming-this-year-97e58b6f or go to https://resources.carsongroup.com/hubfs/WMC-Source/2025/03-03-25-Barrons-Recession%20That%20Never%20Was-8.pdf

https://www.barrons.com/market-data or go to https://resources.carsongroup.com/hubfs/WMC-Source/2025/03-03-25-Barrons-DJIA-SP-Nasdaq-9.pdf







https://subscriber.politicopro.com/article/2025/01/leak-of-gop-reconciliation-menu-causes-a-political-headache-00199150 and https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000194-74a8-d40a-ab9e-7fbc70940000


Market Outlook by Jack Reutemann


Over the past two weeks, I have spoken with several clients about the current investment climate. I wanted to share our discussions with everybody. 

Is the Party Over?

Many of us believe that the party may be over. Last Friday, SPY rose. Well, it climbed back to its value on October 1, 2024. The so-called Trump Rally has stalled and may have come to its end. For the past five months, SPY has been a sideways train wreck. Please see the attached chart. 

Let’s drill down a bit deeper. The S&P 500 index divides the 500 companies into 11 economic sectors. Two of these—Technology (XLK) and Consumer Discretionary Spending (XLY)—play a crucial role in identifying a Bull Market: They must rank as the top 2 of the 11 sectors.

But that’s not happening. See the attached charts.  

Further clouding the picture is the performance of the Housing sector (XHB). It, too, is a train wreck. How come? Here’s J.P. Morgan:

The U.S. housing market is likely to remain largely frozen through 2025. Some growth is still expected, but at a very subdued pace of 3% or less. Demand — often understood through existing home sales (EHS) — remains exceptionally low. And though housing inventory is creeping back up, it still remains below the historical averages.1 

Another huge problem is the widening gap between well-off Americans and not-so-well-off Americans. Consider this: According to the Bank of America Institute, “More than a quarter of households spent at least 95% of their income on necessities.”2 A sizeable percentage of Americans have little, if any, discretionary income. Well, that’s a slice of XLY—one of the two sectors defining the Bull.

Clouds Darken  

Let’s look at some stark numbers. These paint a painful picture for many Americans.  

Energy Costs

According to a recent survey by CNET, 62% of U.S. adults expect winter energy bills to “put a squeeze on their finances.” The same survey showed that 28 million Americans are already behind on their energy bills.3 

Food Costs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture tracks “food insecurity” in the United States. That condition is defined as “uncertain of having or unable to acquire enough food to meet the needs of all their members because they had insufficient money or other resources for food.” In 2022, “at times during the year,” 17 million households experienced food insecurity. In 2023 (the latest numbers available), that number rose to 18 million.4 

Housing Costs

“Nearly half (47%) cannot afford to buy a home in 2025. Of those who cannot afford to buy, 18% are Gen Z, 51% are Millennials, 24% are Gen Z, and 7% are Baby Boomers.” Those disturbing numbers come from a recent Fidelity IPX1031 survey.5 

Credit Card Debt

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York just reported that Americans owe

$1.21 trillion on their credit cards. The rise paints a scary picture: In 2021, the debt stood at $770 billion. Today’s total of $1.21 trillion shows a 4-year increase of 55.8%.6 

International Clouds Darken

International clouds are gathering on the economic horizon. The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict and the recent Trump-Zelensky dust-up have created a climate of uncertainty, and business prefers certainty. A recent analysis in Barron’s put it this way:

In the short run, Trump’s shake-up of U.S. alliances are likely to stimulate the global economy through greater fiscal spending and, should a Ukraine deal eventually come to pass, cheaper energy. But the longer-run effects of his quasi-imperial ambitions are more complicated and potentially less beneficial. They could make it more difficult for U.S. companies to do business globally.7 

Further, any trade wars breaking out from President Trump’s promised tariffs could cut supplies and produce inflationary pressures. As stated the Washington Post:

As well as the potential for higher prices for consumers, trade wars can have unintended consequences in the longer term, with economists warning that price hikes could drive up inflation and erode corporate profit margins.8 

And, according to the International Monetary Fund, “Global growth is projected at 3.3 percent both in 2025 and 2026, below the historical (2000–19) average of 3.7 percent.”9 Not a pretty international picture.

Local Clouds Blocking the Light

Local clouds add to a darkening economic outlook. The Northern Virginia Regional Commission reported in January that nearly 158,000 moved out of the region in 2022 while only 128,000 moved in. Those leaving are likely young families, squeezed by the high cost of housing.10  

DC-area housing prices might not stay elevated. Or they might go higher. President Trump’s reductions in force might dampen prices while the back-to-the-office order might push them up. Business Insider describes this two edged sword like this:

Some residents fear that newly jobless federal workers will leave the city en masse, causing for-sale and rental inventory to skyrocket and prices to fall dramatically. Others believe that return-to-office mandates might prompt people to flood into the city, heightening demand as they look to move closer to work.11 

Time for Defense

None of this is good news, and we are currently playing defense. We have moved our growth models to 55% invested and 45% cash. No one, of course, can promise or predict the future. We just look at the evidence before us and act accordingly.

I look forward to your comments and thoughts.



 1   Outlook for Housing, J.P. Morgan, Feb. 10, 2025, https://clicktime.cloud.postoffice.net/clicktime.php?U=https://www.jpmorgan.com/insights/global&E=info%40rfsadvisors.com&X=XID192dcFVHZ9732Xd3&T=RFAD&HV=U,E,X,T&H=63cea0ab1d7eb66c3ab1b33183aa0a1e4a8785bd-research/real-estate/us-housing-marketoutlook#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20housing%20market%20is,EHS)%20%E2%80%94%20remain s%20exceptionally%20low  

 2  USA Today, Dec. 5, 2024, https://clicktime.cloud.postoffice.net/clicktime.php?U=https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/12/05/living&E=info%40rfsadvisors.com&X=XID192dcFVHZ9732Xd3&T=RFAD&HV=U,E,X,T&H=19b2a730f64f603dee7a923299e6add4a0756880paycheck-to-paycheck-debt/76733415007/ 

 3  CNET, Feb. 5, 2025, https://clicktime.cloud.postoffice.net/clicktime.php?U=https://www.cnet.com/personal&E=info%40rfsadvisors.com&X=XID192dcFVHZ9732Xd3&T=RFAD&HV=U,E,X,T&H=f465d94ae6dcc042f645d90e9403aef92fea1374-finance/cnet-winter-energy-pricessurvey-2025/

 4 Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Jan. 8, 2025, https://clicktime.cloud.postoffice.net/clicktime.php?U=https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food&E=info%40rfsadvisors.com&X=XID192dcFVHZ9732Xd3&T=RFAD&HV=U,E,X,T&H=c77c401cadbf441ef40cf63d6922d130a50e7091-nutrition-assistance/food-security-in-the-us/keystatistics-graphics#:~:text=Food%2Dinsecure%20households%20include%20those,at%20some%20time %20during%202023. 

 5  IPX1031 Survey, Dec. 2024, https://clicktime.cloud.postoffice.net/clicktime.php?U=https://www.ipx1031.com/homeownership-data-report2025/%23:%7E:text%3DNearly%2520half%2520(47&E=info%40rfsadvisors.com&X=XID192dcFVHZ9732Xd3&T=RFAD&HV=U,E,X,T&H=1b6afeeec976e34b6b8116954a008fde5638358b%)%20cannot%20afford%20to%20buy,concerned%20abo ut%20the%202025%20real%20estate%20market.  

 6   CNBC, Feb. 13, 2025, https://clicktime.cloud.postoffice.net/clicktime.php =https://www.cnbc.com/2025/02/13/credit&E=info%40rfsadvisors.com&X=XID192dcFVHZ9732Xd3&T=RFAD&HV=U,E,X,T&H=28f3145b438ecefbf3022066ac6148a74f9582b9-card-debt-hits-record1point21-trillion-new-york-fed-report-finds.html   

 7  Trump Assails Zelensky, Barron’s, Feb. 28, 2025,  https://clicktime.cloud.postoffice.net/clicktime.php?U=https://www.barrons.com/articles/trump&E=info%40rfsadvisors.com&X=XID192dcFVHZ9732Xd3&T=RFAD&HV=U,E,X,T&H=fccbf27042e05623dbb318ce73a4ab44c2ec436b-russia-ukraine-minerals-economy-00ad385b  

 8 Trump’s Tariffs, Washington Post, Mar. 3, 2025,  https://clicktime.cloud.postoffice.net/clicktime.php?U=https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2025/03/04/tariffs&E=info%40rfsadvisors.com&X=XID192dcFVHZ9732Xd3&T=RFAD&HV=U,E,X,T&H=f2fa3601f52b3e023967e9422786731deb9d3734-trump-mexico-canada-chinaexplained/  

 9 International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook, Jan. 2025, PDF File Available Here   

 10  FFX Now, Jan. 22, 2025, https://clicktime.cloud.postoffice.net/clicktime.php?U=https://www.ffxnow.com/2025/01/22/report&E=info%40rfsadvisors.com&X=XID192dcFVHZ9732Xd3&T=RFAD&HV=U,E,X,T&H=3ee2f20b3fcb608e754651b33f839c9772689515-housing-costs-forceexodus-of-young-families-from-northern-virginia/   

 11  Is DC’s housing market going to collapse? Business Insider, Feb. 28, 2025, https://clicktime.cloud.postoffice.net/clicktime.php?U=https://www.businessinsider.com/washington&E=info%40rfsadvisors.com&X=XID192dcFVHZ9732Xd3&T=RFAD&HV=U,E,X,T&H=d9c4ae1b3e79c9f97bf29fbe3e12b29eb21edc64-dc-housing-market-affected-by-doge-cuttingfederal-workers-2025-2  


Weekly Market Insights | Tariff Talk Returns, Volatility Close Behind

Stocks were mixed last week as investor concerns over inflation and trade policy combined to produce another volatile trading week. 

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.95 percent, while the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index lost 0.98 percent. Meanwhile, the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index dropped an eye-catching 3.47 percent. The MSCI EAFE Index, which tracks developed overseas stock markets, lost 1.03 percent.1,2

Trade Talk

The week began under pressure after the White House said 25 percent tariffs on Mexico and Canada would begin after the 30-day pause ends in early March. 

On Tuesday, S&P and Nasdaq stocks continued their slide on news that consumer confidence weakened more than expected. Concerns about inflation and tariffs merged with investors fretting over economic growth and global trade. It was the fourth straight day of declines for the S&P 500 and Nasdaq. The Dow, however, advanced for its third consecutive session.3,4

After a quiet Wednesday, stock fell broadly on Thursday after the White House announced additional tariffs on goods from China and Europe. A large chipmaker prominent in artificial intelligence (AI) matters produced a mixed corporate report for Q4, which put some pressure on the broader market.5,6

Friday’s news that inflation moderated boosted stocks, with prices accelerating higher into the close of trading. The Fed’s favorite core inflation measure hit 2.6 percent in January, which aligns with forecasts.7


Getting a Read on Tariffs

Markets dislike uncertainty, so steady trade talk produces volatile intra-week trading. Investors don’t know what tariffs will be enforced versus which ones are part of an ongoing negotiation, which can produce unsettling price swings. 

S&P 500 companies echo some of that uncertainty. At last check, 146 have mentioned the term “tariff” or “tariffs” on Q4 conference calls with shareholders–the highest level since Q2 2019.8

This Week: Key Economic Data

Monday:  ISM Manufacturing. Construction Spending.

Tuesday:  Auto Sales. New York Fed President Williams speaks.

Wednesday:  ADP Employment Report. Factory Orders. ISM Services Index.

Thursday:  Productivity. Trade Deficit. Wholesale Inventories.

Friday:  Employment Situation. Consumer Credit. New York Fed President Williams speaks.

Source: Investors Business Daily – Econoday economic calendar; February 27, 2025
The Econoday economic calendar lists upcoming U.S. economic data releases (including key economic indicators), Federal Reserve policy meetings, and speaking engagements of Federal Reserve officials. The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The forecasts or forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and may not materialize. The forecasts also are subject to revision.

This Week: Companies Reporting Earnings

Tuesday:  CrowdStrike (CRWD), Target Corporation (TGT), AutoZone, Inc. (AZO)

Wednesday:  Marvell Technology, Inc. (MRVL)

Thursday:  Broadcom Inc. (AVGO), Costco Wholesale Corporation (COST)

Source: Zacks, February 27, 2025. Companies mentioned are for informational purposes only. It should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of the securities. Investing involves risks, and investment decisions should be based on your own goals, time horizon, and tolerance for risk. The return and principal value of investments will fluctuate as market conditions change. When sold, investments may be worth more or less than their original cost. Companies may reschedule when they report earnings without notice.

“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”

– Albert Einstein

Don’t Forget to Check Your Withholding

When was the last time you checked your tax withholding? Having the correct amount of tax withheld from your wages is part of managing your taxes. The amount you withhold depends on your income, the number of children you claim on your return, and more. 

The IRS has a helpful tool on their site called their Tax Withholding Estimator that can help you know if you have too much or too little tax withheld from your wages. Before using the tool, have all your paperwork handy, including your W2, 1099, 1095-A, and 1099-NEC, and any other forms to determine how much your income is taxable.

This information is not a substitute for individualized tax advice. Please discuss your specific tax issues with a qualified tax professional.

Tip adapted from IRS9

What is Foam Rolling?

Exercise is super important for our overall health, but so is recovery. Foam rollers are a popular recovery tool because they help release tension in tight, tired muscles.

Foam rollers are large cylinders made from high-density foam. They come in different sizes and firmness levels and can massage large and smaller muscle groups. You can use the foam roller before or after a workout, depending on your needs.

You can do countless foam rolling exercises for sore muscles, including rolling out your hamstrings, quads, upper back, lower back, IT band, triceps, forearm, and more.

Tip adapted from WebMD10

Lidia immediately went bankrupt after the car she was pushing around stopped in front of a hotel. It sounds sad, but she wasn’t upset. What was she doing?

Last week’s riddle: I have rosy cheeks, I am round and cute – yet debate persists over whether I am vegetable or fruit. What might I be?
Answer: A tomato.

Arashiyama Bamboo Forest
Kyoto, Japan

Footnotes and Sources

1. The Wall Street Journal, February 28, 2025

2. Investing.com, February 28, 2025

3. CNBC.com, February 25, 2025

4. MarketWatch.com, February 25, 2025

5. CNBC.com, February 26, 2025

6. CNBC.com, February 27, 2025

7. The Wall Street Journal, February 28, 2025

8. Insight.FactSet.com, February 10, 2025

9. IRS.gov, January 30, 2024

10. WebMD, October 3, 2024
